
香港工程師學會 報告 青少年發明家比賽 2006 的舉行

第二屆青少年發明家比賽於2006年1月21日舉辦。2005-2006 的 HKIE Division Report 中,梁後建工程師 (Ir Leung Hou Kin) 亦有報告。


在 HKIE 2005-2006 Reports from Divisions and Other Committees 第36頁 Mechanical, Marine, Naval Architecture & Chemical Division 是 Ir Leung Hou Kin 這樣報告的:

To arouse the interest of youngsters in engineering and to encourage them to use their imagination and creativity in solving problems, a young inventor competition, jointly organised with IMechE (Hong Kong Branch), ASME (Hong Kong Section) and the Mechanical Engineering Society of the University of Hong Kong, was held in January. The event was filmed by Radio Television Hong Kong and broadcasted by Asia Television Ltd in February 2006.

第37頁當中亦有清晰記錄,青少年發明家比賽 2006 是於 2006年1月21日舉辦。

Ir Leung Hou Kin
Ir Leung Hou Kin